- Air Conditioning services
- Ventilation systems
- Smoke Management
- Commercial Kitchen Exhaust systems
- HVAC pipework
- Supply authority liaison
- Switchboard design
- High/low voltage power supply systems
- Power supply equipment
- Power generation (engine driven)
Hydraulic services
- Supply authority liaison
- Hot water heaters
- Hydraulic pumps
- Cold and heated water
- Natural gas systems
Fire protection services
- Fire booster assemblies
- Hydrant and hose reel
- Fire sprinkler systems
- Fire pump assemblies
- Fire extinguishers
Vertical transportation
- Lift performance operation
- Passenger lifts
- Goods lifts
- Lift motor rooms
- Machine room-less lifts
Specialised service & advice
- Valuation and report on existing services
- Building code reviews
- Site inspections
- Practical completion reports
Communication Systems
- MATV and pay TV systems
- NBN infrastructure
- Audio systems
- Public address systems